BMX tricks ideas


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Well here are a few tricks BMX Basics1. WheelieThis trick is the most basic tricks that must be mastered BMX freestyle rider. Its main purpose is to raise handlebar bike but the bike is still running with the wheels. The trick, put both feet on footrests at the rear (back peg), then lift the bicycle handlebar to be run by using the rear wheels.2. EndoEndoThis trick is quite risky, so you should use security devices such as helmets and others before doing this trick.The aim is to lift the rear wheel to the bike upright position. How, when moving at high speed, the front brake handheld subsequent movement of the body slightly leaning forward until the rear tire of the bike lifted.3. ManualmanualThe aim of this trick, lifting the front tire a little bike and keep it moving. The trick, put one leg to a peg, then the other leg should be in the pedal, then lift the handlebar and then create balanced bike with pedals.4. Nose Manualnose Manualsimilar to a manual trick, but raised was the rear of the bike. The trick, put one peg rigid in front, then put the other foot on the pedal. The next balance while shaking pedal.5. PogosPogosThis trick is making the bike jump with a leap little small. The trick bike rear wheel brake, then put the foot on the peg behind, and lift the handlebar, then try to jump with the bike.6. Bunny HopBunny HopThe purpose of this trick is to make the bike jumped as high. This trick takes practice routine because the foam must coordinate between the legs and arms to make sure when the right time to make the leap7. Dork Wheeliedork WheelieThis trick is similar to Wheelie trick, but this trick one should be stiff in the back to control the balance